BG Pride of Buffalo Grove, Illinois, is holding a “National Coming Out Day” celebration in October geared toward families, advertising drag performances and a supposedly family-friendly dance at an event that includes ticket prices for children as young as five.

The “celebration” takes place October 7, and an online infographic for the event advertises a “family-friendly dinner dance,” as well as drag performances. The announcement itself advertises tickets for young children — $25 per ticket for children 5-11:

It remains unclear how featuring drag shows is “family friendly,” but this is hardly the first instance of such performances being offered at events where children are present.

There have been instances of bars and restaurants across the country holding lewd drag shows with children in attendance, and some events have even advertised as featuring children in drag. 

Boise Pride Fest, which took place over the weekend, originally advertised a “Drag Kids” performance at its event, describing it as a “show like none other” as children as young as 11 were set to perform. However, the group postponed the performance at the last minute — not due to a realization of its inappropriate nature but “increased safety concerns.”

Illinois’ Decatur Pride Fest is also expected to take place later this month and is advertising not only a “Drag Queen Story Hour” but “Youth Drag Show” as well:

And lets not forget the pride event that occurred in Gov. Tom Wolf’s (D) Pennsylvania, which featured a shirtless man instructing a child how to spin on a stripper pole at the Pride Festival of Central PA:

What is more, Central PA Pride was a recipient of a $10,000 grant championed by the Democrat governor, who offered his “best wishes” to the event.

The trend of sexualizing children and exposing them to woke gender ideology is not just occurring at pride events either, as there have been instances of schools themselves inviting drag queens to speak to children. For example, earlier this year, an Episcopalian school in New York City invited a drag queen to its “Pride Chapel,” and the drag queen bragged about his invitation on TikTok, writing, “I literally went to church to teach the children today”: