New Yorkers must mobilize against President Joe Biden if they want to stop the budget cuts caused by his flood of destitute migrants, Mayor Eric Adams told a press conference Tuesday.

“As Americans, we should go to our center of government and raise our voices when we believe the government is not responding accordingly,” Adams told a December 19 press conference covered by ViralNewsNYC, adding:

I’m saying to New Yorkers, “You’re angry and I’m angry, and the source of our discontent lies in DC.” And we need to mobilize and rally and go to D.C. and say to the national government, “This is not fair what’s happening to New York City!”

Adams’ poll numbers have crashed as his office is forced to cut up to $7 billion from government services for Americans so it can feed and house Biden’s inflow of more than 100,000 poor migrants.

Nearly all of the migrants are eager to work — but most cannot earn enough to stay out of poverty.

RELATED: Mayor Eric Adams Heads to Mexico — NYC Migrant Crisis at “Breaking Point”

“I want to tell New Yorkers that the [K-12] class that you’re saying should not be cut, this is not our desire [to cut],” Adams said on December 19. “Our desire is that we put money in those classes, we put money in senior care services, we put money in cleaning in our streets.”

New Yorkers do not know that Biden is responsible for the migration, Adams complained:

I need to connect New Yorkers to the source of the [migration] problem because many New Yorkers when I meet them on the subways or on the street, they say to me, “Well, I never knew you couldn’t stop people from coming that are migrants or asylum seekers, I never knew that you don’t have the authority to do deportation, [that] you don’t have the authority to say that you’re not going to house people.”

Many New Yorkers don’t know this. They’re not aware of it. And so it is my role to educate them [about] who is responsible for what we’re seeing in the city of New York.

In September, Adams said that Biden’s migration “will destroy New York City.” In November, the FBI launched an investigation into Adams’ fund-raising process.

The city’s business and real-estate elites are welcoming their bonanza of low-wage workers and room-sharing renters. In August, for example, the elite-run Partnership for New York City, wrote:

There are labor shortages in many U.S. industries, where employers are prepared to offer training and jobs to individuals who are authorized to work in the United States. The business community is also providing in-kind assistance and philanthropic support to organizations that are addressing the immediate needs of this largely destitute population.

In contrast, ordinary New Yorkers feel the economic pain of the wage-cutting, rent-spiking migrants. In October, a New York Times poll showed that 54 percent of New Yorkers described migration as a “burden” while just 34 percent described it as a “benefit.”

The New York Times described the city’s record economic divide in October:

Even in a city notorious for tableaus of luxury living beside crushing poverty, the widening gap is striking. The wealthiest fifth of Manhattanites earned an average household income of $545,549, or more than 53 times as much as the bottom 20 percent, who earned an average of $10,259, according to 2022 census data, released earlier this month. Social Explorer, a demographic data firm, analyzed the data for The Times.

“It’s amazingly unequal,” said Andrew Beveridge, the president of Social Explorer. “It’s a larger gap than in many developing countries,” and the widest gulf in the United States since 2006, when the data was first reported. The Bronx and Brooklyn were also among the top 10 counties in the country in terms of income inequality.

The already affluent have benefited the most …, according to labor data analyzed by the Center for New York City Affairs. Low-paid workers, like restaurant servers and child care professionals, who made an average of $40,000 last year, saw their salary increase by just $186 every year from 2019 to 2022, when adjusted for inflation. But highly paid earners, who made an average of $217,000 in fields like technology and finance, received an average pay bump of $5,100 in each of those years, or 27 times more, in extra income, than low-wage earners.

“I make $22 an hour, and I still can’t survive on my own in New York,” Roger Gunning, a middle-aged sanitation worker told the New York Times, which added, “.Several of his co-workers live in temporary shelters.”

The New York Times reporters are not allowed to cover the economic impact of migration on Americans.

However, business data shows that the constant inflow of poor migrants keeps city wages low and tends to push middle-class people and their children out to the surrounding towns. That exodus ensures the city’s elite will dominate the city’s migration-skewed economy and political scene.

Nonetheless, Adams is not campaigning against Biden’s migration policy.

RELATED: NYC Mayor Eric Adams: Migrant Crisis Will Destroy New York City

Like nearly all other urban Democrats, he is instead asking that the city’s migration costs be paid by federal taxpayers in Wisconsin, Virginia, Tennessee, and all other states.

However, that policy also forces Americans nationwide to subsidize the businesses and cities that exploit migrants and displace young Americans from jobs and homes.

“Democratic cities want to nationalize and socialize the costs of mass low-wage migration, while localizing the benefits,” noted Michael Lind, a former establishment advocate who has zig-zagged towards populism in the last several years.

“It is time for the euthanasia of the [immigration-addicted] city — by, among other things, stopping the urban immigration Ponzi scheme,” Lind wrote in September.