Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Hypocrite) proved she supports protesters making everyone uncomfortable except for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Hypocrite).

Typical. Like all fascist leftists, AOC believes everyone but her should be forced to live under her policies, agenda, and ideas. Can you blame her when her policies, agenda, and ideas lead only to misery, poverty, and early death?

In December 2020, at the height of the George Floyd Riots that ravaged countless Democrat-run downtowns and working-class cities, AOC jumped on Twitter to proclaim from her velvet bubble:

“The whole point of protesting is to make ppl uncomfortable,” she tweeted in defense of Black Lives Matter protesters confronting politicians. “Activists take that discomfort w/ the status quo & advocate for concrete policy changes. Popular support often starts small & grows.”

She then closed with this beauty: “To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable… that’s the point.”

Don’t you rubes get it? THAT’S THE POINT. Stupid rubes.

Flash-forward to Monday night when Little Miss That’s The Point melted down like a 13-year-old nonbinary girl when some left-wing wokester — one of her own tribe — dared to make her uncomfortable after she exited a movie theater with her beard fiancé.

“You refuse to call it a genocide,” one of the left-wing authoritarians shouted at AOC about the war in Gaza — which all decent people hope Israel wins by a historic landslide that looks like something resembling a smoking parking lot.

“I need you to understand that this is not okay,” a visibly uncomfortable (isn’t that the point?) AOC responded.

“It’s not okay that there’s a genocide happening, and you’re not actively against it,” the authoritarian yelled in return.

“You’re lying!” AOC fired back, just like a 13-year-old non-binary girl who’s just been schooled in biology.

Then things got even more uncomfortable (isn’t that the point, AOC?) when the left-wing nags pursued AOC down a couple of escalators and outside while taunting her to say the word “genocide.”

“Just say it… Just say it’s a genocide. Just say it. Just say the word, that’s it. That’s all we want you to say.”

And then AOC lost it: “I already said that it was. And y’all are just gonna pretend that it wasn’t. Over and over again. It’s fucked up, man.”

The key to returning any kind of sanity to the Democrat Party is to force Democrats to live in the world they want for the rest of us. Once they live with the ravaged consequences of their own policies, maybe then we can have school choice, a robust police force, and all the meat we can eat.

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