“I have much more enmity toward the hard-left progressives than I do toward conservatives,” said Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz in a Thursday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

“Liberalism” should not be equated with “progressivism,” insisted Dershowitz.

“Not only are liberals not progressives, but the worst enemy of the so-called progressives — which I call, ‘the repressives,’ the people who are intolerant of free speech, intolerant of diversity, intolerant of everything except identity politics — they are the greatest enemy of liberals.”


Dershowitz continued, “I have much more enmity toward the hard-left progressives than I do toward conservatives. Liberalism is not on the road to progressivism. Liberalism is the enemy of progressivism.”

“Liberalism is openness, tolerance, diversity, free speech, due process, all of the things that the so-called progressives hate, and so, this is another example where progressives want Trump’s tax returns,” added Dershowitz. “They don’t care what precedent this establishes in terms of the right to privacy and in terms of the rights of states to have parochial laws that could have impacts on presidential elections.”

The Democrat Party’s presidential candidates are generally too left-wing to win a general election, determined Dershowitz, advising Democrats to adopt “centrist and liberal” views to win broad public support.

“What struck me most was that very few people among the 20 candidates are running to be President of the United States,” Dershowitz stated. “The vast majority are running to get the Democratic nomination, and when you run to get the Democratic nomination, you practically exclude yourself from being able to win the election.”

“You’ve got to say idiotic things like de Blasio says” to win the Democrats’ presidential nomination, said Dershowitz, recalling New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s use of class warfare narratives during Wednesday’s CNN-hosted “debate.”

“‘We’ll tax the hell out the rich,'” said Dershowitz, partially quoting de Blasio. “No policy, no rationale, just a slogan, and that will get him votes on the hard left, but you can’t win an election with that kind of sloganeering. So the Democrats are making the mistake they’ve made several times in the past, and that is moving to the left as a result of the way the primary system operates.”

Democrat calls for prosecuting President Donald Trump on various grounds amounts to a partisan “weaponization” of criminal justice, assessed Dershowitz.

“I think the Democrats are making a terrible, terrible mistake by trying to weaponize criminal justice,” Dershowitz stated. “They all seem to agree — all the Democrat candidate who spoke to this issue — that it would be a good idea to try to prosecute President Trump if and when he loses the election. That’s banana republic stuff when the party that wins an election threatens to prosecute the party that loses the election.”

Breitbart News Tonight broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 weeknights from 9:00 p.m. to midnight Eastern or 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific.

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