Exclusive — GOP Senate Candidate Mike Gibbons: Religion of Wokeism ‘Replaced the Bourgeoisie’ with ‘White Males’
Mike Gibbons, Republican candidate for the Senate from Ohio, said Ohioans reject “globalism” and the “religion” of “wokeism.”

Mike Gibbons, Republican candidate for the Senate from Ohio, said Ohioans reject “globalism” and the “religion” of “wokeism.”
Mark Levin, author of American Marxism, advised the use of cameras in classrooms to monitor teachers in response to the inclusion of Critical Race Theory in public school curricula.
Matthew Spalding, vice president of Washington Operations at Hillsdale College, invited parents and educators to combat left-wing revisionist history with his school’s K-12 “1776 curriculum.”
Frank Gaffney praised Alex Marlow’s Breaking the News as “an extraordinary book” by a man fighting in “the war for the free world.”
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) told Breitbart News on Friday that critical race theory undermines the U.S. military.
French postmodernist philosopher Michel Foucault, whose writings have become central in modern woke ideology, has been accused of sexually abusing children as young as eight-years-old while living in Tunisia during the 1960s.
Scott Walker said YAF will support lawsuits challenging First Amendment violations on college campuses as part of its “Long Game” strategy.
The shared goal of leftist groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter is to abolish nation states, noted Andy Ngo, journalist and author of Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy, on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
“Defunding the police is a feminist issue,” declares the Women’s March website, which frames law enforcement as pathologized by “systemic racism.”
Joe Biden’s joint political platform with Bernie Sanders (amounts to a “communist manifesto” that will destroy America, warned Mark Levin.
America’s “silent majority” must speak out to protect the nation’s foundation from the left, said Douglas Murray, author of The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity, offering his analysis on Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Actor and singer Robert Davi, known for starring roles in classic films like “The Goonies,” “Die Hard,” and “The Expendables 3,” joined Wednesday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Jerome Hudson to discuss his latest song about American exceptionalism, “The House I Live In,” and warned America to reject the left’s version of America.
Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization that opposes the natural family structure of mothers and fathers, noted Sen. Kelly Loeffler.
A “satanic mob” of Democrats aligned with former Vice President Joe Biden intend to remove Christianity from America, said Phil Robertson.
Joe Biden continually moves left, breaking the standard of nominees posturing as centrists as an election nears, Sean Hannity noted.
Black Lives Matter and and cancel culture are forces seeking to silence all Americans, said Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA).
Left-wing and partisan Democrat billionaire George Soros spent more than $52 million in political spending, per Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings, according to a report for the Washington Free Beacon.
“Democrats have created Frankenstein’s monster,” said Lt. Col. Allen West (Ret.), newly-elected chairman of the Texas Republican Party, in reference to Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Joel Pollak urged Donald Trump’s supporters not to count down days until the presidential election, but to count votes.
The removal of monuments and statues across America is part of a broader “Marxist takeover” involving elected officials, stated Marc Little.
On Friday night, a group of Black Lives Matter activists began shouting a political script in a Target store in Washington, D.C.
“Never negotiate with the radical left, because they’re always on offense,” said Timothy Gordon, a Catholic high school theology teacher fired for criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement.
“Silence is violence” is a totalitarian slogan demanding compliance and reminiscent of political coercion within the former Soviet Union, said William Jacobson, professor of law at Cornell University and founder of Legal Insurrection.
“The leaders of the revolution are America’s homeschooling mothers,” said C. Bradley Thompson, professor of political science professor at Clemson University and author of America’s Revolutionary Mind: A Moral History of the American Revolution and the Declaration That Defined It, expressing his
“I have much more enmity toward the hard-left progressives than I do toward conservatives,” Alan Dershowitz told Breitbart News.
Conservative surrender of academia corrupts the nation’s historical record, said Charles Hurt, Breitbart News columnist.
Antipathy towards President Donald Trump across the news media is rooted in a broader “contempt” of “regular American people,” determined Charles Hurt, Washington Times opinion editor and Breitbart News columnist. He offered his remarks in an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow ahead of Tuesday’s launch of his new book Still Winning: Why America Went All In on Donald Trump- And Why We Must Do It Again .
Thursday’s Democrat debate showed a “California credo” bringing “Road Warrior” conditions to the Golden State, said Victor Davis Hanson.
Actress and political activist Rosanna Arquette derided unspecified politicians as “corrupt misogynistic pigs” in enraged social media screed, while demanding they keep their “filthy evil hand off our vaginas.”
Chuck Woolery told Breitbart News that Hollywood leftists “project” their “racism” and “bigotry” onto conservatives.
Liz Cheney said Nancy Pelosi has lost control of House Democrats to newly-elected “socialists” like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.
Joe Lieberman warned that Democrats moving to the “far left” will make them a “losing party” in 2020’s presidential election.
Victor Davis Hanson cast Democrats’ leftward momentum as “Maoist” in its efforts to “destroy the middle class and the traditions of America.”
Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore explained how burning of fossil fuels saved life by returning previously trapped CO2 to the atmosphere.
Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore described the cynical corruption fueling the narrative of “global warming” and “climate change.”
Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore said “eco-fascists” are “against humans” while casting humanity “as the enemies of nature.”
Marion Smith, director of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, told Breitbart News that “the end goal of socialism is communism.”
Dr. Phil rejected the “social justice” ethos of state-mandated egalitarianism in an interview with Joe Rogan on Tuesday.
Charlie Kirk, founder and president of Turning Point USA, described immigration as America’s “biggest issue” in a Thursday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
Actress Gina Rodriguez broke down in tears while responding to backlash over comments she made in November regarding pay disparities between white, black, Asian, and Latina women.