Apparently, Michael Bennett is now protesting sacks as well.

The Seahawks are playing the 49ers on Sunday, a rivalry that always brings out passion, excitement, and statements of questionable intelligence. Michael Bennett has now added his own chapter to this storied tradition. After notching a sack of 49ers quarterback Brian Hoyer, Michael Bennett raised a fist:

There’s mixing sports and politics, we’ve all been made painfully aware of that over the last year or so. However, mixing a protest into an actual play on the field just takes the idiocy into an entirely new level. Perhaps Bennett chose this game to unveil his new sack celebration because the Seahawks are playing the 49ers, Colin Kaepernick’s old football team. Or, maybe, he’s just an irrepressible activist and showboat who will stop at nothing to shift the focus off the game, and onto himself.

At this point, both could be acceptable answers.