With all of the the subtleties and sensitivities of a pack of underfed hyena’s, the sports media wasted no time lobbying the Green Bay Packers to sign Colin Kaepernick after Aaron Rodgers went down with a broken collarbone.

Of course, Rodgers went down on the same day that Kaepernick filed a grievance against the NFL for colluding to keep him out of the league, and while it’s beyond absurd to think Kaepernick would get signed by anyone while he’s suing the league. That fact did not restrain our fearless sports scribes. In fact, Rodgers had barely gotten off the ground before some of the more reliable Kaepernick sycophants began beating their ghoulish drum.

Enter Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio, who has delivered such intense and predictable Kaepernick-worship, that it might qualify him for a restraining order in some states:

Not the only option? How about not even an option at all? ESPN’s Darren Rovell went old-school:

Apparently being a Bucks and Brewers fan means something:

Even NBA reporters weighed-in:

Apparently, recall of recent news is not a strong-suit for this particular group of media members. The Packers tried to involve their fans in a demonstration during the anthem, recently. A demonstration that involved the mere interlocking of arms, not even a Kaepernick-style kneel. The fans not only did not participate, but angrily rejected it, and called the team to let them know about it.

Now, they want to introduce patient-zero into that inhospitable anthem-protesting environment?

Good luck with that.