A female journalist and her film crew were harassed by a university official while trying to cover a protest over the appearance of Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos at American University.

Ashe Schow, a reporter for the the Washington Examiner, turned up at the protest to cover the story. However, she was soon told to stop filming by a university officia,l who on realising she was being filmed said, “Are you kidding me? Seriously I’m calling the police.”

“There are certain regulations the university is guided by,” the woman then says in another video posted to Twitter. “We are not just providing a room, we’re providing also a safe space for everybody who works or studies on this campus.”

The protest had been planned in advance on a Facebook page, with students also vandalising posters advertising the event.

“While our administration may not care about the safety of trans students, multicultural students, and survivors of sexual violence, we, the students will unite to prove that we do care, and say NO to Milo’s bigotry,” read the Facebook event for the protest.

Ashe Schow, who was working as part of a freelance documentary team covering the event, told Breitbart: “Everything was going fine with the media relations member until she suddenly demanded we go inside with her. When we asked why, she wouldn’t give a straight answer. After several confrontations a student began filming her actions.”

She said the official “threatened to call the police on him but they didn’t come. Later, after the protest event was over, the cops joined her and she told us they would escort us off campus. The cops looked like they wanted to talk to her and actually accompanied her into the building where Milo’s speech occurred.”

Yiannopoulos still managed to successfully give the talk, describing it as “another terrific success for the Dangerous Faggot Tour.”

You can follow Ben Kew on Facebook, on Twitter at @ben_kew, or email him at ben@yiannopoulos.net