Mark Zuckerberg Launches Twitter Clone ‘Threads’ with a Jab at Elon on Musk’s Own Platform

Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg in the ring
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In a significant move in the social media landscape, Mark Zuckerberg has unveiled “Threads,” his Twitter clone. Taking a jab at competitor Elon Musk, Zuck celebrated the launch of his newest platform by posting his first tweet in more than a decade.

Bloomberg reports that on the launch day of “Threads” Facebook’s new Twitter clone, Mark Zuckerberg took a playful dig at Elon Musk. This marked Zuckerberg’s first tweet in over a decade, symbolizing the brewing competition between the two social media giants.

Zuckerberg’s tweet, featuring a meme of two identical Spider-Men facing off, came in response to Musk’s recent challenge to a cage fight. This exchange added a layer of irony to the situation, with Zuckerberg’s retort about Instagram indicating his confidence in the success of Threads.

Twitter users were quick to mock Zuckerberg about the levels of censorship on his platforms.

Threads is positioned to capitalize on a series of missteps at Twitter since Musk’s acquisition of the company for a staggering $44 billion in October. Twitter has seen significant changes, including constantly shifting content moderation policies and technical glitches that have impacted both users and advertisers.

In a controversial move, Twitter implemented temporary limitations on the number of daily tweets users can view, a measure Musk defended as a strategy to combat data scrapers and bots.

In a post on Threads, Zuckerberg expressed his belief in the need for a platform that facilitates public conversations among over a billion users. He noted that Twitter had the potential to achieve this, but fell short. “Twitter has had the opportunity to do this but hasn’t nailed it. Hopefully we will,” said Zuckerberg, indicating his ambition to fill this void and provide users with a more satisfying social media experience with the launch of Threads.

Facebook promises that Threads will be “sanely run,” which can be understood as a euphemism for more censorship than Twitter. Despite its moderation policies, one thing became clear this week — the Threads app with suck up all your personal data. It is, after all, a Facebook product.

Read more at Bloomberg here.

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart News covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan


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