Senior Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean fired back at a viewer who posted several rude comments on her Facebook page saying that the skirts she wears on air make her legs look “huge.”

“Dear Janice, please stop allowing Fox to dress you in those short skirts. They are not flattering on you. Your [sic] an attractive lady, love the 80’s hair, but your legs are distracting every time you walk on screen,” wrote the viewer.

Another commenter replied, “And how do you look when you are on television?”

The viewer replied, expanding upon the original post:

They are dressing her in mini skirts that make her legs and knees look huge. She is older, and different body type than most of the woman on the show. I’m not a public figure that has a public website for viewers to leave their thoughts and opinions. That is Janice’s job, and her business website. I didn’t seek her out at home and give an unsolicited opinion. If you think it is flattering to her than give her your opinion.

Dean noticed the posts and replied to the viewer, saying that she was lucky to be able to use her legs and is proud of her size:

Hi JoAnn,

Fox doesn’t dress me. I dress myself. I’m sorry if you don’t like my legs. I’m grateful I have them to walk with. You’re right. I don’t look like the typical person on TV, and I’m proud to be a size 10. Imagine that! You can always turn the channel if you’re offended by my huge legs. Hope you don’t mind. I may share your post with everyone on my FB page. All the best, Janice.

Dean said because she has multiple sclerosis (MS), she could lose her ability to walk at any time.

“My big legs have always been a sore spot for me – but now more than ever I am proud of them,” Dean wrote in an article for Fox News addressing the comments and her ten-year battle with the disease. “Because with MS, I could lose my ability to walk literally any day. So I’ve learned to be proud of my legs, and am grateful for them every day of my life.

Other people came to Dean’s defense, posting hundreds of supportive comments on her page. Her story went viral on social media, with users posting the hashtag #BeautifulJanice.

Dean, overwhelmed by the response she got on social media, thanked her supporters in a follow-up comment on Facebook, saying, “Well now I’m in tears. Who knew a post sharing something disparaging about my legs would make me feel so good. Thank you all for being so kind. I truly am proud of my big strong legs. One day they may give out on me, but for now they help me walk, stand, jump, kick with the Rockettes and make snow angels. I am blessed. Thank you all for reminding me of that.”