Fox News host Jesse Watters blasted gun control activist and Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg for being a “bomb thrower” who is not adding any substantive discussion to the conversation about school shootings and the Second Amendment.

“He started off – and I’ve seen him on Fox News – he started off as this balanced, nice kid who was reporting the facts about what was happening at the school,” the Fox News host said on Monday’s broadcast of The Five. “And he’s just now become a real bomb thrower. And someone like this, I think, isn’t helping the conversation.”

Watters criticized Hogg for making outlandish claims on national television without any factual basis—such as when the student claimed in an interview Sunday with CNN, without citing a source for such a claim, that Dana Loesch is a “national propagandist for the National Rifle Association” and in bed with gun manufacturers.

“This guy makes people think, ‘You’re coming for my guns.’ You’re gonna say that Rubio has blood on his hands because he takes money from the NRA? Maybe he takes money from the NRA because he supports the Second Amendment,” Watters said, responding to Hogg’s tweet stating Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) should “denounce the NRA” or resign:

“It would be more scandalous if the NRA was buying off Democrats and they were voting for legislation even though they didn’t believe in it,” Watters continued. “So that doesn’t make any sense to me.”

Watters is not the first television host to criticize Hogg. Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on Friday’s broadcast of Tucker Carlson Tonight that the high school student is “definitely not fit to be making policy for the rest of us” because of his extremist statements.