The corporate media are so feckless that, even in left-wing New York, only 35 percent of those polled believe Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) should resign.

This, at least to me, is just more proof of just how badly the establishment media have squandered their credibility and by extension, their ability to affect public opinion.

The media jihad against Cuomo has been pretty intense over the last week or so, and the pressure on him to resign just as intense, not only in the media but among some of the top names in the Democrat Party.

Last week closed with what looked to me like the final push. Dozens of misconduct allegations surfaced against Cuomo while big names like Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called for Cuomo to step down. As a longtime media-watcher, I know a coordinated Dem/media assault when I see one, and I can tell you this was all planned to force Cuomo to resign over the weekend.

Obviously, he didn’t, and as much as I despise the most incompetent governor in the country, I’m glad he didn’t.

The media and politicians should not be deciding the outcome of elections, nor should they be overturning elections. Cuomo does not represent the elite media, nor does he represent the D.C. elite. In a statewide election, he was chosen by the people of that state to represent them and whether he stays or leaves should only be up to them.

This ritual hanging by way of kangaroo courts of public opinion has to stop.

Yes, there are now countless allegations of sexual misconduct against Cuomo, but as I wrote earlier this month, this all smells like a coordinated hit to kill the true Cuomo scandal, which is his sociopathic policy of forcing nursing homes to accept patients still infected with the coronavirus.

Because four other Democrat governors instituted this same sociopathic policy, and did so at a terrible cost of countless lives, the idea is to “disappear” Cuomo with a separate scandal, and because Cuomo is the face of the nursing home scandal, the hope is that this makes the whole thing go away, which will save these other governors.

There are a number of other key findings in this poll. A full 50 percent do not want Cuomo to resign; by a margin of 48 to 34 percent, New Yorkers believe he can still do his job effectively; and by a margin of 57 to 32 percent, New Yorkers say Cuomo has done a good job handling the virus.

Not all the news is good. Only one-third would re-elect him to another term and his favorability rating is upside down 43 to 45 percent, but the bottom is not falling out of his support, at least not yet.

The proper and constitutional way to remove a governor is either through a recall election, as we are seeing in California, or by way of impeachment.

Since there are no recall elections in New York, this forces state legislators to try to pull the trigger by way of impeachment, something they say they are intent on doing. I’m fine with that because unlike the elite media and D.C. politicians, those legislators are accountable to voters.

But the good news in all this is that even in a left-wing state like New York, the fake media’s ability to sway public opinion is all but dead. Five or ten years ago, I believe media pressure alone would have forced Cuomo out by now because public opinion would have followed the media’s lead.

Unfortunately for the fake media, much has changed over those years, which is what happens to an institution that serially whores out its own credibility.