I Have A Dream, That Someday Media and Progressive Political Elites Will Lay Down Their Racist Tinted Glasses….

I first met David Saucedo last October in Waco, Texas. I was impressed. He was a young Christian construction worker who spent his free time counseling inner city youth. After tough days of framing and pouring concrete, he went door to door pounding into these kids that if they got an education and worked hard enough, anything was possible.

This is America.

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David Saucedo is also a heck of a rapper. His rapper moniker is Politik. The kids dig his music.

I was happy for him when the Tea Party Express decided to feature him on their Tea Party Express: Just Vote Them Out Tour.

Oh by the way, David Saucedo is of Hispanic background. His skin is brown. According to the progressive elitist and mainstream media mantra, Dave doesn’t exist.

He doesn’t exist because they profess that the Tea Party Movement is only made up of white guys and angry racist extremists.

Is there anger in the Tea Party movement? You betcha! People are pissed because every time they call for limited government, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and integrity in leadership: they are called racists.

Ask anyone who stood up for Border security in the last ten years. Racist has become a badge of honor to those who stood up to the drug cartels and gave water to people dying in our Southern deserts.

Will and Selena Owens are conservative authors. They also sport great tans. They are also on the tour. I have yet to see them featured on MSNBC. I would pay Keith Olberman $100 to see them as guests with Janeane Garofalo.

Keith, Janeane, Chris…read their books. Then get back to me.

The fact is, too many people are making too much money by playing the race card. It is in the universities. It is in the media. It is in our government.

These people depend on division to validate their professions. The dirty little secret is that the vast majority of Americans really like each other. Left to our own devices Americans of differing ethnic backgrounds play together, work together, dance together, fight together and even sleep together. When we love each other enough we get married and make beautiful children together.

If that secret were to ever get out, the Left would be lost.

Two weeks ago I stood on a stage in Searchlight, Nevada, as a representative for Right Network. When I told over ten thousand people that Right Network is for people who believe that a person should be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, they cheered.

They cheered because a great American hero: Martin Luther King is not forgotten. They cheered because Martin Luther King’s dream has come true for real Americans. He may be betrayed by the Progressive propaganda machine, but he is alive and well in the hearts of fly over America.

Lloyd Marcus opens up every Tea Party Express event.

Lloyd Marcus is a hell of a guy.

Lloyd Marcus is a talented writer, singer and songwriter.

Lloyd Marcus is one of the kindest men I have ever met.

In 46 cities I have seen audiences jump to their feet and scream for him, over and over. According to the Left, he also doesn’t exist.

Lloyd Marcus happens to be black.

Lloyd Marcus begins every performance with the same testament:

“I am not… an African American…..I am Lloyd Marcus, American.”


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