Tuesday on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” Roy Moore’s chief political strategist Dean Young said Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R.-KY) will have “trouble” to deal with if he acts like a “third-world dictator ” by attempting to remove Moore from the Senate should he win.
When asked if Moore would cooperate with an ethics investigation, Young said, “I think those guys are blowing a lot of hot smoke.”
He added, “You saw everybody, they all ran away from Judge Moore, and they all came back slowly, surely, saying, hey, we will let the people of Alabama decide. Chuck that is what we want in Alabama, the people of Alabama are going to send the senator up there, Judge Roy Moore. They expect Judge Moore to be seated. They don’t expect these people that think they are a third-world dictator like Mitch McConnell — we don’t want them saying we are going to overturn an election of the people of Alabama. If they do there will be trouble.”
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