Trailer for Upcoming Anti-Palin Doc Promises Dishonest Hit Job

Sarah Palin is a thorn in the flesh of leftists. Although they hurl their best invectives at her, and go through her emails, and make fun of her son Trig, and mock the fact that she went to college in flyover country, she still emerges as “The Undefeated” and they come out looking (and sounding) like a group of embittered sorority girls.

That’s why every failed attack on her is simply followed by another more direct and more ruthless one, all of which are aimed at accomplishing what none has yet been able to accomplish: eliminating Palin as a viable political force.


The latest attack is an anti-Palin propaganda film by British filmmaker Nick Broomfield. It’s a film that “promises to deliver the goods by FINALLY revealing the ‘truth’ about Sarah Palin.” (Broomfield’s plan to deliver “the goods” resides at least partially in the fact that former Alaska politicians and aides, who worked with and/or for Gov. Palin, are interviewed in the film.)

For example, John Bitney, Gov. Palin’s Legislative Director, shows up on camera to talk about how he spent so much time making excuses for the way Palin would sit at the table but remain “very unengaged in the conversation” with lawmakers. Said Bitney, “I would have to go around [after the meeting] and, you know, [say,] ‘there, there, she was really listening.'”

Is that it? Is that Broomfield’s dirt? People said the exact same things about President Ronald Reagan and he went on to defeat the Soviet Union and win the Cold War.

Of course, Broomfield doesn’t bother telling his audience that Palin noticed things about Bitney when he worked for her: like the fact he – a grown man – had trouble eating without getting his clothes in his food. (But I guess I wouldn’t mention that either if I were making an attack film built around Bitney’s testimony.)

Broomfield also relies on the testimony of another winner from Alaska’s political past: former Senate president Lyda Green.

Green is the politician who tried to block Gov. Palin from once committing the ghastly deed of moving a senate meeting from 7 pm to 6 pm: a move which Palin sought in order to have time to fly out following the meeting and see her son graduate basic training at Fort Benning, GA.

Green would have none of it because meetings were traditionally at 7 pm and that’s a tradition that shouldn’t be changed. (Somebody sounds like they might be wound a little too tight to me.)

Not surprisingly, Broomfield doesn’t bother telling viewers about Green’s attempted sabotage of Palin’s plans to see her son, but he does let Green tell us about how she “never felt that [Palin] was…connected to the business in the…Capital.” In fact, the way Green remembers things, Palin’s attendance in the Capital was “rather cursory.”

What’s strange about all this is that Palin had an 88% approval rating from the people of Alaska during the very time Bitney and Green claim she was aloof and not listening. (Again, it’s somewhat reminiscent of that “dumb cowboy” the left told us about – a.k.a. Ronald Reagan – who was never engaged in meetings yet managed to win every state but one in the electoral college on his way to re-election in 1984.)

Therefore, concerning the Broomfield propaganda film, I guess we’re left with the choice of either believing a left-leaning filmmaker who’s out to “deliver the goods” on Palin or the people of Alaska, who gave her a thumbs-up on job performance at ratio of almost 9 to 1.

For me, that’s not a hard choice at all.


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