Hollywood celebrities viewed Attorney General William Barr’s Senate testimony in horror Wednesday, melting down and demanding President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

The establishment media and Hollywood exploded as Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) panned claims of Russian collusion and Barr dismissed Robert Mueller’s letter to him as “snitty.”

Activist Alyssa Milano took aim at William Barr, saying, “When he wrote that it’s virtually impossible for a president to obstruct justice in 2018, Barr nailed his audition to be Trump’s attorney general and set a course to ensure that Trump is above the law.”

“Barr lied to Congress. We the American people pay his salary. He works for us. The facts led where they led, & party affiliation must not color their exposure. We need someone of integrity & impartiality in this highest position in our justice system, not a lackey ,” actress Mira Sorvino said.

Meanwhile, Stephen King called Lindsey Graham’s morality “highly negotiable.”

Judd Apatow also took aim at Graham, saying, “He just said he read MOST of the report. He didn’t have time to finish it? He’s the head of the committee.”

Bette Midler joined in, echoing MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace’s claims that Graham is acting as a “human shield” for the president.

Alec Baldwin also attacked Graham, this time in much more vulgar terms, accusing him of acting as Trump’s “fluffer.”

“Lindsay Graham is lying his ass off. Mueller never said no collusion. This is complete bullshit!!!” Rob Reiner chimed in.

John Cusack responded to Reiner, saying, “Deathkkult water boy Lindsay -?ain’t gonna hear anything but lies from him – this the guy who through his dead friend under the bus to grovel to a white nationalist.”

Amber Tamblyn also encouraged the impeachment of Trump.

Check out all the Hollywood freakout.