Anyone wondering why Stephen Colbert is no longer the king of late-night need only watch this painfully unfunny propaganda with the disgraced Dr. Anthony Fauci:

The most revealing part of this awkward and unfunny “sketch” is when Colbert asks the disgraced Fauci, “What scares you most?” Fauci answers, “A thousand kids coming to my door breathing on me?”

What more do you need to know about this guy’s view of humanity?

What more do you need to know about his faith in the vaccine?

This is not a skit, nor is it entertaining…

This is pure political propaganda meant to do two things…

The first is to shame those of us who have not gotten our hundredth booster, or whatever the number is now. And I say this as someone who has been vaccinated and boosted. How many more of these things are we supposed to get? And why should we believe a disgraced liar like Anthony Fauci about anything?

Colbert’s second goal is to make the vaxx-fanatics feel all righteous and morally pure about themselves. But, most of all, it is meant to make the hopelessly smug Colbert feel good about himself. I’m so virtuous and pure. Please don’t hold the fact I’m a straight, white, middle-aged male against me, Woketards!

Is it any wonder that Gutfeld! — a cable news late-night show — is obliterating Colbert and the rest of his late-night, left-wing minions in the ratings? The fact that a cable news late-night show is beating Colbert and all the other network late-night shows tells you just how hungry people are for a non-smug alternative to uptight prigs like Colbert. Greg Gutfeld is actually funny; he’s also not smug. More often than not, he’s the butt of his own jokes. Additionally, since surprise is a key ingredient in humor, Gufeld is not predictable. In contrast, Colbert and the eunuchs called Jimmy are as predictable as Brian Stelter elbowing children out of the way at the buffet table.

Look at how far our comedic class has fallen. Fauci is a corrupt, unelected bureaucrat with nearly limitless power, and rather than ridiculing him, America’s so-called satirists venerate and worship him.

When you look at the wake of destruction and death Fauci has left behind, he is the virus. But here’s the dethroned Colbert humiliating himself on network television by proclaiming the naked emperor is fully clothed.

Who’s the joke now?

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