London’s so-called Vagina Museum has marked Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month by lecturing social media followers that not all victims of the deadly disease are women.

“It’s #OvarianCancerAwarenessMonth. We’re going to give you a crash course in ovarian cancer awareness,” the bizarre institution’s high-handed Twitter thread — to which they have heavily restricted replies — began.

The Vagina Museum said it would be regularly updating the thread with information on topics such as the cancer’s causes and symptoms, as well as “myth-busting”.

Some indication of what these “myths” may consist of was given in the following post, where they asserted: “Throughout this thread we will be using gender neutral language. While most people who get ovarian cancer are women, it can affect anyone with ovaries, including trans men, non-binary people and intersex people who have ovaries.”

On its website, the Vagina Museum lists three of its mission goals as acting “as a forum for feminism, women’s rights, the LGBT+ community and the intersex community”, challenging “heteronormative and cisnormative behaviour”, and promoting “intersectional, feminist and trans-inclusive values”.

Despite its obvious woke-left activist agenda, the museum has reportedly been awarded at least two government grants totalling £72,671 (~$87,500/€82,100).

The government is led by politicians from the misleadingly named Conservative Party, or Tories, who dropped an axe on the budgets of the armed forces, police forces, courtrooms, and other state institutions deemed important by their voter base cheerfully enough on regaining office in 2010 in the name of “fiscal responsibility”, but have done less than nothing to cut the leftist diversity industry down to size.

Interestingly, almost all of the staff members and trustees the Vagina Museum lists on its website appear to be white women, despite London being only 37 per cent White British according to the latest census results.

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