Should America Be More 'Frugal' with Defense Spending?

Dr. Michael Mandelbaum, professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, joins Frank in order to speak on his book “The Frugal Superpower” over whether it is possible for a superpower to be frugal. Americans who are getting less from their government and giving more to it will become less receptive to America’s global role. Yet, in times like these, it is important for America to project global influence and keep threats away from our shores and the shores of our allies. If America doesn’t take the global leadership role, who will and what implications will that have for American security and democracy overall? America cannot close itself off and forget about its foreign responsibilities because the economy is slow. This type of nearsightedness will result in threats rising throughout the globe, threats to American interests and the security of our allies. America can continue with its global leadership by being smart about where we put our resources as well as the amount and type of resources we provide. Removing troops from Afghanistan and Iraq will enable America to more adequately counter the Iranian threat in the region. America must continue its global leadership.

You can hear the rest of the interview here and at



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