Desperation Sets In: Democrat Says Republican Gov Candidate Wants to Shoot Gays; End Women's Suffrage

Things are getting desperate out there for Democrats, who have nowhere to hide from their legacy of failure. Illinois has already gone into bizarre territory with Governor Quinn’s “Vote for Me or the Puppy Gets It” ads. Just when things couldn’t get any bizarre, you have this bit of insanity wafting out of the West Side of Chicago.


Democrat State Senator Ricky Hendon, best known for once getting into a physical altercation with Barack Obama in Springfield, suggested that Republican Governor candidate Bill Brady wanted to execute homosexuals and that all civil rights for women should be ended.

Here is the exact quote:

“I’ve never served with such an idiotic, racist, sexist, homophobic person in my life,” Hendon said before introducing Gov. Quinn. “If you think that the minimum wage needs to be three dollars an hour, vote for Bill Brady. If you think that women have no rights whatsoever, except to have his children, vote for Bill Brady. If you think gay and lesbian people need to be locked up and shot in the head, vote for Bill Brady.”

Apparently, Bill Brady has become the Midwest’s Ghengis Khan leaping from bed to bed siring more children. The context of these remarks was his introduction of Pat Quinn during a Get Out the Vote rally on the West Side.

Since then, Quinn has “distanced” himself from these remarks touting himself as a hallmark of civility (without apologizing). Of course, while the remarks were made, he kept a constant distance of about 10 feet. And then he walked up to shake Senator “Hollywood” Hendon’s hand. That’s the exact opposite of distancing.

You would think in Illinois Democrats would run on some success they’ve had. Instead, they are engaging in fear-mongering of the worst sort. With leaders like this busy creating phantoms, it’s no wonder that Illinois’ has dropped even lower than California’s bond rating.

The good news is that we can vote out the jokers and pranksters on November 2nd. Tell Pat Quinn and Hollywood Hendon enough and support Bill Brady.


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