Breitbart News Daily: Sen. David Vitter Rallies in Louisiana Governor’s Race

AP Photo/Jonathan Bachman
AP Photo/Jonathan Bachman

On Breitbart News Daily Friday morning from Louisiana, Breitbart’s executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon interviewed Louisiana gubernatorial candidate U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R) who is in a tight run-off race with Democrat candidate House minority leader John Bel Edwards.

Asked by Bannon how important it is for a Republican to remain as governor of Louisiana at this time, Vitter replied, “Oh, it’s really important. You know we’re at a crossroads and we’re in a bad way in Louisiana with a lot of challenges.”

“We need to get out of the ditch and then we need to head in the right direction, based on the right conservative principles, not in completely the wrong direction, throwing in with all the policies – liberal policies with that direction – from the Obama administration in Washington,” Vitter continued, adding:

And in this governor’s race, there’s a very stark choice. I have a proven record on issue after issue after issue of being that strong conservative who’s always stood up for those principles. My opponent, John Bel Edwards, is a Democrat and also has a very proven record – issue after issue after issue. And he’s clearly a far-left liberal. He’s consistently and enthusiastically supported President Obama. He’s trying to spin this myth that he’s some sort of a conservative or moderate, but the facts don’t lie, they lay out clearly…that that’s not the case.

Bannon asked Vitter what drew him to leave the U.S. Senate and run for governor in Louisiana.

“Well, Wendy and I thought long and hard about that, obviously, before we made the decision,” Vitter responded. “But, you know, we’ve always been very based and rooted in Louisiana. Sure, I serve in the Senate, but I commute. We live here and we’re going to live the rest of our days here.”

Vitter said his family’s dream is “for our kids and grandkids to be here with us, pursuing their dreams, going as far as they can go in their pursuits and having a great quality of life here.”

The gubernatorial candidate said he believes he can have an impact on that dream by building a team as Louisiana’s governor.

“And I’m really excited about both the challenge and the opportunity,” he noted.

Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party, Tony Perkins of Family Research Council, and other conservative leaders will join Vitter in rallies around Louisiana this weekend. Vitter thanked Willie Robertson of DuckCommander for doing a campaign spot with him as well.


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