Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton Super PAC Respond to Donald Trump Barking Campaign Ad

Hillary Barking Ad

Russian President Vladimir Putin appears disappointed that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump used him in a campaign ad, which was released Wednesday, against Hillary Clinton, mocking her for barking like a dog.

“I saw this clip. I do not know for sure if Vladimir Putin saw it. [But] our attitude is negative,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated on Thursday.

“It’s an open secret for us that demonizing Russia and whatever is linked to Russia is unfortunately a mandatory hallmark of America’s election campaign,” Peskov added. “We always sincerely regret this and wish the [U.S.] electoral process was conducted without such references to our country.”

The Huffington Post reports:

First, it uses footage of him doing karate as it lists the “toughest opponents” the U.S. president will have to deal with. (It then moves to footage of what looks to be an Islamic State propaganda video, with a fighter pointing his gun at the camera.) Second, it shows him laughing at a clip of Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, who once barked like a dog during a town hall earlier this year.

The ad also drew a response from a Super PAC backing Clinton, according to WDSU.

“Yesterday Donald Trump released a video in which he mocked Hillary Clinton and asked, ‘Is this what we want for a president?’ Well, Priorities USA fixed it for him, (you’re welcome),” spokesperson for Priorities USA Justin Barasky stated.

WDSU reports, the Super PAC’s ad “opens with clips of Russian President Vladimir Putin performing martial arts and a masked terrorist pointing a weapon at the camera.”

“When it comes to facing our toughest opponents, the Republicans have the perfect answer,” words on the screen say, before cutting to a recent clip of Trump.

“Who are you consulting with consistently so that you’re ready on Day 1?” Trump is asked by an MSNBC anchor in the clip.

“I’m speaking with myself, No. 1, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things,” Trump said.

The ad then cuts to a clip of Clinton laughing, then shows a screen saying, “We don’t need to be a punchline. Vote for Hillary Clinton.”


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