Most Americans do not support sex changes for minors, a Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released this week found.

The survey, which comes at a time of far-left radicals attempting to normalize transgenderism among children, asked, “Do you believe underage minors should be required to wait until they are adults to use puberty blockers and undergo permanent sex change procedures?”

Over three-quarters, 78.7 percent, said children should “wait” until they are adults to undergo such procedures, compared to 21.3 percent who said they should not have to wait. 

Despite the push for the normalization of such procedures from members of the radical left, most Democrats, 53.2 percent, agree that a minor should have to wait until adulthood, agreeing with 96.8 percent of Republicans and 84.6 percent of independents. 

A sizable portion of Democrats, 46.8 percent, still believe a child should be able to undergo such procedures before reaching adulthood. 

The survey, taken October 8-11, 2022, among 1,079 likely general election voters, has a /- 2.9 percent margin of error.

Boston Children’s Hospital came under fire in August following reports detailing some of the information listed on its Center for Gender Surgery website, which boasted of offering a “full suite of surgical options for transgender teens and young adults.” However, the hospital played victim and updated its website after it came under the microscope, as Breitbart News reported:

The hospital now claims that criticisms and “attacks” on clinicians and staff are fueled by “misinformation and a lack of understanding and respect for our transgender community,” all while subtly removing videos detailing transgender procedures and updating its website to say that genital surgeries are only performed on individuals 18 and older — a claim that was not clear on the original webpage at the time of Breitbart News’s original report.

Rather, it detailed the “full suite of surgical options for transgender teens and young adults,” listing chest reconstructions, breast augmentations, facial harmonizations, vaginoplasties, metoidioplasties, phalloplasties, “and other gender affirmation surgeries to eligible patients.” Additionally, a previous version of the hospital’s eligibility webpage stated that an individual had to be “at least 17 years old for vaginoplasty.”

The hospital is also willing to perform chest surgery on minors as young as 15 years old if they meet certain requirements.

Meanwhile, President Biden has encouraged parents to “affirm” their teenager’s transgender claims, deeming such affirmation “one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe and healthy.”

Officials in Florida have taken action against this push to normalize transgenderism, prohibiting Medicaid from covering such procedures following a report requested by the Secretary of the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA), which found that these so-called “treatments” are not “safe or effective” but rather “experimental and investigational.”