Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), the author of The Tyranny of Big Techtold Breitbart News Daily on Friday that some Democrats “have really come to love” Big Tech’s political censorship while seeking to integrate technology firms’ control over information flow with government power.

In an interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, Hawley noted the coordination between left-wing and partisan Democrat news media and the world’s largest technology companies in targeting dissident websites for censorship.

Marlow asked, “How much of Big Tech censorship is driven by the establishment media? It seems like they have the most to lose from a free and open Internet. The more the internet is free, the more you see the rise of Breitbart. … There are opportunities for individuals and upstarts to rise. The mainstream media doesn’t want this, so they’ve kind of found these common allies in Big Tech.”

Hawley replied. “The legacy media — which of course is the leftist media — are trying to throttle down speech and throttle down other journalistic sites, like Breitbart, [and] other conservative sites that we have seen get discriminated against.”


Leftist news media initiate campaigns against ideological competitors as a lobbying effort for Big Tech companies to censor conservative, right-wing, and other outlets.

Hawley remarked, “The left media go after [sites like Breitbart News] and then … have companies like Google say, ‘Okay, well you can’t access our advertising services.’ Well, if you can’t access [their] advertising services, then independent platforms like Breitbart can’t exist, and Google knows that.”

“This is the power of their monopolies, that they could turn off the revenue flow to all of these independent news sites and opinion outlets if they so choose, and this frankly is dangerous,” he added.

Hawley described increasingly concentrated power over the flow of information in the hands of companies like Facebook and Google as a threat to all news media.

“The irony here is that Big Tech is also a threat to the establishment media in that Big Tech is about to control them, too,” he concluded. “It’s really a deal with the devil that the establishment media is making.”

Breitbart News Daily broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.