New Rules, MSNBC and MSM: Every Time You Call Us 'Nazis,' We're Punching Back

Ever feel that you’re trapped inside a lunatic asylum, where all the normal rules of logic and discourse have been turned on their heads, and screaming nutbags roam the halls, hurling imprecations at imaginary enemies? A place where up is down, black is white and left is right? Welcome to MSNBC, whose daily lineup has become a who’s who of strutting Napoleons, fantasy Christs and various Emperors of Cloud Cuckoo-Land.

Look! Here’s Dylan Ratigan now, in his memorable, nearly career-ending exchange with Florida congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

[youtube j8R8baHPr2E nolink]

Which may explain why Ratigan (who, like MSNBC regular Donny Deutsch, has a claim to punditry fame based on… what, again?), and his antagonistic show Morning Meeting vanished from the low-rated cable network in December, to be replaced by the kiddie corps of Chuck “Horse Race” Todd and the utterly unintelligble Savannah Guthrie (as Henry Higgins might ask: why can’t young American women learn to speak?).

So you’ll be pleased to know that, for some recondite reason, the pride of Saranac Lake is now back on the air weekday afternoons as host of The Dylan Ratigan Show. Whence comes this great moment in television:

[youtube nObPplOGUdI nolink]

A masterful display of all the dishonest pathologies of the Left in one handy clip. Posit something counter-factual (the Right wants to kill blacks and Jews and women) and then argue the premise? Check. Rude and intolerant toward your guest? Check. Liberally throw around words like “racists” and “Nazis?” Check? Get angry when confronted and challenged and then stalk off the set? Check? Conclude with a barrage of insults after the guest’s mic has been cut off? Check!

Meanwhile, as long as Mr. Ratigan has so gratuitously brought up the National Socialist German Workers party (which part of that sounds like the Reagan Revolution?) in order to smear the Tea Party attendees, let’s take a stroll down memory lane and into the courtroom of the Nazi judge, Roland Freisler, in a characteristic performance. First, a little background on Freisler, lest you (like Bill O’Reilly, who ought to know better) are under the impression that Hitler, Mussolini and their adherents were men of the Right, instead of the Left:

… he was an officer cadet in 1914, and by1915 he was a lieutenant and was decorated before becoming a prisoner of war in Russia in October 1915. While interned in Russia, he learned the language and developed an interest in Marxism. He returned to Germany in 1920 a fanatical Communist to study law at Jena University, becoming a Doctor of Law in 1922. From 1924 he worked as a lawyer in Kassel and also as a city councilor for the Völkisch-Social bloc. He joined the Nazi Party in July 1925.

And here he is in action at the Volksgericht — the People’s Court:

[youtube aNi5256dhvM nolink]

Memo to the Left: New Rules. We will no longer sit by and tolerate your taunts of “racist” and “Nazi.” If you want to have a substantive, respectful discussion about the best direction for our country, fine. But from this moment on, every time you call us Nazis — every time — you’re going to get another one of these gentle reminders about the origins and personalities of the National Socialist German Workers Party until you stop.

Comments welcome below. If you wish to dispute or discuss anything about the National Socialist German Workers Party, please write in fluent German and cite only primary sources.


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