Leftist Elites Trash Sarah Palin For…Being Kind

So the Left-o-sphere is all excited over more evidence of Sarah Palin’s rube-osity found in the video below. Mediaite does a good job exposing how sites like HuffPo, Raw Story and the usual suspects are “presenting this video clip as evidence of [Palin’s] naivete” — the idea being to embarrass the former Governor with headlines that portray her as the dupe of a practical joke when the actual video shows the complete opposite. But I think Mediaite’s letting everyone off a little easy.

[youtube DC8w4DE2CwM nolink]

The elites laughing at Palin aren’t doing so because they believe she should have known “Marg Delahunty” is the Canadian Jon Stewart, they’re laughing because their warped values tell them that only an unsophisticated hick would take the time to talk to anyone like a Marg Delahunty.

My guess is that what Sarah Palin saw in this woman was what anyone not poisoned by elitism would’ve seen: The Susan Boyle Of Broadcasting — a somewhat odd, middle-aged lady who probably put her aspirations on hold to raise a family in some place no one’s ever heard of, and then when the kids were grown and starting lives of their own, she grabbed a microphone and set out to make her dreams come true.

And what did Sarah do? She was kind to this woman … twice. In the feeding frenzy of a book tour, America’s favorite Hockey Mom didn’t blow off or pretend not to hear someone who looked like she might be lucky to have a cable access show, she gave her a serious, thoughtful soundbyte…

Leftist snobs laugh because in their cruel little pompous bubble no one would dream of taking a moment to talk to the Marg Delahuntys of the world — a real person — someone like that. And if they do it’s only with a noticeable wink for the cocktail circuit back home; the answering of a question with a condescending smirk, patronizing attitude, and commentary laced with hip irony…

One of the lasting legacies of the Tea Party protests is how that movement finally and forever exposed the utter contempt and loathing coastal elites harbor for everyday Americans. The cheap snickering over this video only reinforces that lesson, and Sarah Palin’s unfailing kindness towards Ms. Delahunty only reinforces my abiding respect and affection for her.


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