Leave the Kids Alone: 'Tonight Show' Seats Crude Sarah Palin Hater Next to Her Daughter

UPDATE: Gawker also wonders if Jay Leno was in on the “joke”:

After Louis C.K.’s drunken ‘twitter rampage’ in which he called Sarah Palin a “C*nt-Face Jazzy Wonder Girl”, we were surprised at the little amount of fanfare that erupted when Louis and Bristol Palin appeared together on the Tonight Show Friday.

Personally I like to imagine Leno was in the know and he’s just far more of a sociopath than anyone expected–making then perform together for his own sadistic pleasures[.]

It’s no secret in show business comedy circles or to anyone with access to Twitter that comedian and television star Louis C.K. is crudely and sexually obsessed with former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin — so much so that he sends her direct tweets calling her the vilest of names [NSFW screen shot below]. The star of the FX series “Louie” not only savages the former Governor in such a way that I’m forced to publish the evidence below the fold with a strong warning, but his breathtakingly vicious attack on Trig Palin is quite popular on YouTube.

louisck1Louis C.K.

So infamous is Louis C.K. for this cruel and misogynistic (a word I don’t use lightly) behavior towards all things Palin, that a good number of his fans didn’t miss the “joke” when he appeared with Bristol Palin on Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show” last week. Gawker sure enjoyed it. Therefore, there’s little doubt in my mind that the decision to book Louis C.K. and Bristol Palin — to have them sit next to each other on the “Tonight Show,” was an intentionally smug inside joke in order to allow a bunch of elitist show-biz and journo types to chuckle behind Bristol’s back as she was unknowingly humiliated on national television in front of all of Hollywood.

If we’ve learned anything about some show-bizzers since Governor Palin stepped into the national spotlight, it’s that they are a bottomless pit of dark-hearted hate and cruelty. To intentionally humiliate a politician’s family, especially her children, is so far beyond the pale… But to go after a child with Down Syndrome. I’m simply speechless.

And never did I think I’d see the day — but here we have Johnny Carson’s storied “Tonight Show” brought to an all-time low where, apparently, it’s in on the joke:


WARNING: What you’re about to read and watch below would win the Gold Medal at the Degenerate Olympics. Also, although Twitter hasn’t verified Louis C.K.’s account, we have done so through two separate sources — both of whom love his Palin-hate.

Poor Andrew Dice Clay. He might still be a superstar had Sarah Palin been around in his day to turn what he said into a Hollywood Resume’ Enhancer.

Without further comment:






louisck palin



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