Hagel On 'Jewish Lobby' Comments: 'Context' Matters

Hagel On 'Jewish Lobby' Comments: 'Context' Matters

Senator Hagel to the Senate Armed Services Committee: I’ve already said I regret referencing the Jewish lobby. I should have said pro-Israel lobby. I think it’s the only time on the record that I’ve ever said that. Now, you all have done a lot of work with my record … I was on your side of the — for 12 years, so I understand that and that responsibility. So I don’t have any problem with that. As i’ve already noted that I should have used another term, and I’m sorry, and I regret it. The use of intimidation: I should have used influence. I think would have been more appropriate. We were talking about in that book … We were talking about the Middle East. We are — we were not talking about Armenia or Turkey or the banking influence. That’s what the context of my comments were about.


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