Melanie Graham

Articles by Melanie Graham


I love when twelve-year-olds say “talkies.”

White Ribbons = Gay Marriage

Yes indeed. I also love that Breitbart is too “straight” to come on board during the Red Carpet portion.

The Drinking Game

I’m wondering how many times some genius will reverently refer to our “year of change.” And we also need to count the white ribbons. I love ribbons. They really make a difference in our world.

O Watch Red Carpet

Is it me, or does it look like Ron Howard looks like he needs to check his still?

Hollywood Loves Higher Taxes

I just had the same conversation with a friend that I’ve had hundreds of times with my Hollywood Lefty pals – Higher taxes? No problem! I won’t be affected! I’m incorporated! It’s the hypocritical secret here – the lefty actors