Sarah Palin Rips Lois Lerner for Targeting Bristol

AP Photo/Cliff Owen
AP Photo/Cliff Owen

Sarah Palin offered a scathing response on Facebook to a new Senate report revealing that Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS’s Exempt Organizations unit, targeted Palin’s daughter Bristol.

Palin wrote, “If 7 years ago I had predicted the Obama administration was targeting my family and all conservatives who posed a threat to their radical agenda you never would have believed me, right? Well….. hmmm:”

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, pointing out one “example of Lerner’s interest in conservative organizations,” named the IRS consideration of auditing Candie’s Foundation, which gave Bristol Palin $332,500 for acting as a celebrity spokesperson. Lerner used the excuse of IRS rules forbidding individuals benefiting from charitable groups to write her staff, “Thoughts on the Bristol Palin issue? I’m asking because I don’t know whether to send to Exam as a referral.” No evidence of an audit of Bristol Palin has been found.

The Senate Finance Committee has spent two years investigating the Internal Revenue Service for its vendetta against conservative groups.

Lerner called conservative radio show hosts and callers “crazies” and “assholes” in 2012 emails. Her political leanings as a Democrat once led her to say of Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, “Look my view is that Lincoln was our worst president not our best. He should (have) let the south go. We really do seem to have 2 totally different mindsets.”

When the IRS scandal broke in 2013, Palin was already ahead of the curve. She wrote:

This scandal is not just about the IRS targeting Americans to deny them tax-[exempt] status or subjecting them to harassing retaliatory audits. The IRS also leaked to leftwing reporters the confidential application information submitted by conservative groups. The IRS claims that their leaking of information was “inadvertent and unintentional disclosures by the employees involved.” They at first blamed the entire IRS scandal on a couple of employees who “went rogue,” but we soon found out that this was just more malarkey coming from the president’s spokesman. But even if these were “inadvertent and unintentional disclosures,” is that supposed to make us feel better?


These atrocious government actions are bigger, uglier, and much more dangerous than “a few rogue employees.” It’s time for all Americans to stand together and join in the growing outraged chorus that looks at our out-of-control government and says, “Enough is enough!”


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