Dr. Ben Carson Bashes Party Bosses For Secret Brokered Convention Meeting: This is How To Destroy The Party

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GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is blasting leaders of the Republican Party for a private meeting held this week, a gathering recently reported on by the Washington Post.

“If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in the Washington Post this morning,” Carson says.

The Washington Post reported that Republican leaders – including Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) – gathered Monday to discuss the possibility of a brokered convention and expressed concern about Donald Trump potentially becoming the Republican nominee.

“If this was the beginning of a plan to subvert the will of the voters and replace it with the will of the political elite, I assure you Donald Trump will not be the only one leaving the party,” Carson stated in a press release Friday morning. “I pray that the report in the Post this morning was incorrect. If it is correct, every voter who is standing for change must know they are being betrayed. I won’t stand for it.”

This process is the one played out by our party. If the powerful try to manipulate it, the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next summer may be the last convention. I am prepared to lose fair and square, as I am sure is Donald. But I will not sit by and watch a theft. I intend on being the nominee. If I am not, the winner will have my support. If the winner isn’t our nominee then we have a massive problem. My campaign is about “We the People” not “They the Powerful.”

Carson is ranked third nationally in the GOP field with 13.6 percent, according to Real Clear Politics.


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