Lubbock City Council Wants Expanded Synthetic Pot Ban

Lubbock City Council Wants Expanded Synthetic Pot Ban

LUBBOCK, TEXAS (AP)–Lubbock city officials want to expand a ban on synthetic marijuana.

The city council Thursday gave preliminary approval to a measure that identifies new chemical compounds in synthetic marijuana sold in shops as potpourri or incense or on the streets as a legal alternative to marijuana.

Mayor Pro Tem Karen Gibson says the issue needs to be revisited twice a year to add new chemicals that surface.

But the Lubbock-Avalanche Journal ( ) says Mayor Glen Robertson believes the ordinance isn’t effective or enforceable and that as soon as one chemical is added to a banned list, a new one pops up. And he says the ban won’t stop people from buying the stuff elsewhere.

The measure faces a second vote at the council’s next meeting.

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