Fiorina: Carson Muslim President Remarks ‘Wrong’

Monday on NBC’s “The Tonight Show,” former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina was asked about remarks made by her one of opponents, former Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Ben Carson, in which he said he could not advocate for a Muslim to be president of the United States.

Fiorina told host Jimmy Fallon she disagreed with Carson.

“I think that’s wrong,” she said. “You know, it says in our Constitution that religion cannot be a test for office. It is also true that this country was founded on the principle that we judge each individual and that anyone, of any faith, is welcome here. I actually believe that people of faith make better leaders, whether they’re Christians, as I am — my faith has sustained me through some very bad times. I battled cancer, I’ve lost a child. I’ve been tested. But whether it’s a person of Christian faith or Jewish faith or Muslim faith, or other faiths, I think faith gives us humility and empathy and optimism and i think those are important things.”

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