Ann McElhinney

Articles by Ann McElhinney

'Gasland' Review: Slick, Well Done, Intellectually Incomplete

Last night I watched ‘Gasland’ for the first time. ‘Gasland’ was nominated this year for an Oscar along with 5 other documentaries (‘Waiting for Superman’ did not make the cut – apparently criticizing teachers rules you out of consideration. Gasland

The Playboy of the Green Hypocrisy

I am constantly amazed by the double standards that characterize the environmental/liberal movement. Billionaires are bad…unless they are called Oprah, Spielberg, or Soros. Flying is bad too because of the emissions it produces is bad for the environment, or so

Audacious Environmental Hypocrisy: James Cameron – Grow Up

I thought Avatar was a great film, beautiful even. Cameron is such a good story teller he even had me rooting for the blue rain forest people and wishing death on all the appalling Americans in final battle scene. But

Confronting Al Gore with An Inconvenient Question

The Society of Environmental Journalists spent much of their conference in Madison, Wisconsin questioning why mainstream journalism was dying. Then they answered their own question when they decided it was their role to protect Al Gore from An Inconvenient Question.