A Couple Questions for Rep. Andre Carson

On Tuesday, July 21, Rep. Andre Carson released the following statement to CNN’s John King:

“The incident on March 20th happened as I’ve described. It has been reported by numerous media outlets because it is a fact. Andrew Breitbart has tried everything possible to try and rewrite history related to the events of that day–including citing as proof a video that was shot a full hour after the incident happened.

I’ve refused to engage him in some tit-for-tat because he has zero credibility on this issue. He wasn’t even on the Hill the day the incident happened.

If he wants to spend his time inciting people and defending language and actions that the overwhelming majority of Americans find reprehensible, then that’s his prerogative. But it’s not doing this nation–or the Tea Party movement-any favors.”

It’s fascinating that the congressman would lend his advice to the Tea Party movement considering he once referred to them as “one of the largest threats to our internal security“. I would venture to guess that if it comes time to take advice from Rep. Carson or from Andrew Breitbart, the majority of Tea Party members might be inclined to follow Breitbart’s lead.

That being said, we are thrilled that Rep. Carson has finally come out of self-imposed seclusion and addressed (though disingenuously) the events of March 20th.

We’d like to clear a few misconceptions the good congressman has about our aquisition of video over the months. We have much more than the one video you refer to. We now have five videos, from different angles, showing the exact time and place the supposed incident took place.

Here, take a look:

[youtube bU4oNvd2Ai4]

Yes, Rep Carson, since you decided to venture into this discussion with your statemnt to John King, wouldn’t it be fitting to sit with us on Mr. King’s show and discuss this incident, the videos, the audio and the contradictions with Rep. Cleaver’s story? If it is truly your intention to help the Tea Party movement, won’t you please help us identify the odious individuals who affected you so deeply that day on the mall?

We’re ready to have the frank and open discussion about this incident. We do not understand why you don’t want to talk about it? Let Mr. King be the moderator and let’s finally, once and for all, put this issue to bed.

We’ll be sending a request to Mr King and his producers. Maybe they can help get this conversation moving.


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