Marco Rubio: Donald Trump Will Not Help the American Worker

Trump, American Workers AP

Marco Rubio continued challenging Donald Trump today, as he faces several primaries in southern states on Super Tuesday.

During the Yellowhammer News Presidential Forum in Homewood, Alabama, Rubio argued that Trump would not be a president that would stop illegal immigration and help the American worker.

“[H]ow are you going to take on illegal immigration when you’re hiring illegal immigrants to build your signature tower?” Rubio asked, referring to the “Polish workers” story he brought up in the most recent debate.

Rubio also mocked Trump for saying he would protect the American worker, when his resort in Palm Springs Florida was hiring people overseas, referring to a recent New York Times story.

“I live in Florida where he has a hotel and he’s hiring people from Romania because he says he can’t find any Americans to do that job,” Rubio said. “I can. Those are the jobs my parents did.”

Rubio said that those jobs were ones that his father and mother filled when they moved to America from Cuba — his father as a bartender and his mother a maid.

The Florida senator also disputed the notion that Trump would stop manufacturing jobs from going to other countries.

“He’s making ties and hats in China and Mexico,” Rubio said. “Why do I say all this to you? Because it proves that this is a con job and we cannot allow the conservative movement to be taken away from us.”

Rubio appeared apologetic for the change in his tone, saying that his parents didn’t raise him to use strong language.

He referred to his recent attacks on Trump’s physical appearance, explaining to the audience that he didn’t want to attack other Republicans in his campaign.

“I very rarely try to attack other Republicans because I don’t like it,” he said. “I think the Democrats love it when we do that. I think they cheer when we do that.”

Rubio said that he was forced to talk about the “differences” he had with Trump because he didn’t want to see the party of Lincoln and Reagan taken over by a con artist.

“I’ve used strong words and my parents didn’t raise me that way, but I’ve used strong words because I feel that passionately about it,” Rubio said.

He appeared disturbed that more and more people were backing Trump, insisting that they were being fooled by a con man because of their fears for the future.

“When someone is upset, when someone is uncertain about the future, when someone is insecure about what’s going on, you become vulnerable to people that come to you and say ‘Give me the power. Give me the power and I’m going to turn your life around,’” he said referring to Trump. “That is how con jobs work.”


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