Kirsten Powers: Hillary Will ‘Legitimately’ Get More Pledged Delegates, But Process Was Rigged With Super Delegates and Debates

USA Today columnist and Fox News contributor Kirsten Powers argued that while “Hillary will still ultimately pull it out, legitimately getting more pledged delegates” the Democratic Party didn’t rig the nomination process “just with the super delegates, they also rigged it through the debate process” on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Powers said, “I have a problem with the super delegates. The idea is, I guess, to prevent somebody like a [Democratic presidential candidate Sen.] Bernie Sanders (I-VT) from getting the nomination, though, like I said, I think Hillary will still ultimately pull it out, legitimately getting more pledged delegates, but it is a much closer race if you just look at that.” and closer looking at that and cast the way that he —

When asked if it seemed like the party is rigging the process for who it wants, she answered, “Yeah. Well, they didn’t rig it just with the super delegates, they also rigged it through the debate process, and that was another thing that the Sanders campaign complained about a lot, that basically … they set up the debate process in a way to protect Hillary Clinton, and to not give Bernie Sanders as much airtime as he would deserve, and to — and expose her to being criticized.”

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