Krauthammer: Trump Immigration Reforms ‘A No-Brainer’ – Current Immigration System ‘Does Not Make Sense’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer praised the immigration reform put forward by President Trump and Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA) and compared the current US immigration system to a team with the top 100 picks in the NBA Draft choosing to pick random people out of a phone book.

Krauthammer said the proposed reforms are “long overdue.”

He added, “I love the hypocrisy of the liberals who are so shocked by this. People who sort of swoon over Canada’s progressivism, with its national health care and its matinee star liberal prime minister, who want him to be the leader here, all of a sudden, when the US proposes essentially the Canadian system, the merit-based system, are shocked at how mean and racist it is. This is a no-brainer. … The United States is the place everybody wants to go, every immigrant. You find somebody on a raft on the South China Sea, where do they want to go? United States. We have the top 100 draft picks of the NBA, and instead, we choose to pick people randomly out of the Karachi phone book. This does not make sense. We should be doing what Canada and Australia are doing, and cashing in on the fact that the world wants to come here.”

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