CNN’s Acosta Praises Trump Normandy Speech: ‘On Message,’ ‘Rose to the Moment’

Thursday on CNN’s “New Day,” network chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta heaped praise on President Donald Trump for his speech at the American cemetery in Normandy that marked the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

According to Acosta, who host John Berman pointed out had seen a lot of Trump’s speeches, Trump’s speech was “perhaps the most on-message moment” of Trump’s presidency and it “rose to the moment.”

“This is perhaps the most on-message moment of Donald Trump’s presidency today,” Acosta told Berman. “We were all wondering if he would veer from his remarks, go off of his script but he stayed on script, stayed on message and, I think, rose to the moment as he was talking about the men gathered behind them he described them as being among the greatest Americans who have ever lived. That could not be more of a fact check true if we could have found one.”

He continued, “It was really one of those moments that Donald Trump needed to rise to in order to, I think, walk away from the cemetery, walk away from this hallowed ground and have people back at home saying, ‘You know what, no matter what I think about the current president of the United States, he said the right thing at Normandy. He did the right thing at Normandy.’ He really hit all of the right moments, I think moments, in that speech when he was paying respect to these heroes who were still with us.”

The CNN correspondent who frequently is at odds with the White House went on to say Trump sat down with a Fox News personality right before his speech and suggested the president was “dishing out a lot of the red meat,” but he said that should not take away from the “remarkable moment” that was Trump’s speech.

“[Y]ou have to put all of that to the side and recognize that this was just a really captivating, stirring, remarkable moment for the entire world to witness as politics was just put aside, washed aside as we remember the bravery and courage of these men today,” he advised.

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