McAllen Mayor: We’re ‘Running Out of Money Quick’ Dealing with Migrant Situation

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” McAllen, TX Mayor Javier Villalobos (R) stated that the city had to declare a disaster over the migrant situation in the city because the city is “running out of money and running out of money quick.”

Villalobos said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:45] “Well, for the city, it hasn’t been too, too much yet. Because we still had some FEMA, some federal funds. But we had to do the declaration. Because, look, it’s — we’re running out of money and running out of money quick. And, at the very end, this is not our responsibility. We don’t do this. We don’t deal with immigration. So, it’s making it difficult to us, to our community, wasting our resources, and not just money, I mean, manpower. It’s very difficult. Our community is now angry. Where before, we could handle it, I think that we’re at a point where it’s very difficult now.”

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