Kaine: Blaming Biden’s Weakness for Drone Attack Is ‘Blaming America’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) stated that it’s “blaming America” to suggest that the fatal attack on U.S. troops in the Middle East on the weekend is a result of President Joe Biden’s foreign policy weakness.

Co-host John Berman asked, “Donald Trump says, ‘This brazen attack on the [United States] is…[a] horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender…’ What’s your reaction to what Donald Trump said?”

Kaine responded, “Donald Trump is blaming America first. Blame America first, if something bad happens around the world, well, okay, it’s the U.S.’s fault, that’s what some on the left say, or what some on the right say is it’s Joe Biden’s fault. And I’ve seen other Republicans follow him like lemmings in trying to blame this tragedy on America or on Joe Biden, instead of expressing sympathy for the families. Not a word of sympathy comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth. I think it’s behavior that’s abhorrent.”

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