Dem Rep. Don Davis: I Have Problem with Biden EV Push, I Don’t Trust D.C. to Pick Winners and Losers

During an interview with the Fox News Channel released on Thursday, Rep. Don Davis (D-NC) said that he has concerns about the regulations on gas cars put in place by the Biden administration and argued that we need to “follow the consumers” instead of “putting the trust in Washington, D.C. to ultimately determine the winners and losers.”

Davis said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:20] “I am concerned, and I would say that we shouldn’t go too far, too fast. And I would only imagine putting the trust in Washington, D.C. to ultimately determine the winners and losers. I have great concerns here.”

He added, “I believe it’s important to continue to follow the consumers. Consumers will tell you a whole lot. … So, this is not entirely about going against a goal, but this is just bringing forth pragmatic processes in order for the industry to continue to move forward, and I believe that we just have to not move too quickly here.”

Davis further stated, “[O]f course, there are those who are very supportive and are moving towards EV. However, … there are others who have great concerns, just like I have, and that we’ve already heard, charging stations, we’re just not there on the infrastructure.”

Davis also said that while many of the Biden administration’s goals “have some merit. Again, where I would come to and point the direction towards is the timing and really bringing the industry and even consumers, to some extent, into this process more.”

He added that there’s “concern about the environment, and we get that. But, again, I come, also, from an academic background, and, sometimes, we can talk all day about theory, but theory may not always align with what’s practical and what’s taking place on the ground.”

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