Let's Vote These People Out Of The Cinema

The vast majority of the open-minded and spiritually-advanced celebrities who roam Hollywood are people who feel enlightened enough to bash and bad mouth only those who don’t think like they do. The entertainment industry and their surrogates feel comfortable enough to make negative public commentary about Christians, Israel, Mormons, Republicans, the brave men and woman of our military, female Governors and anyone who doesn’t feel the world should be like a brothel in Prague.

Tom Hanks came out last week and called people who used their democratic vote, “Un-American,” and in this down economy he’s come up with a way to help you save money with a form of free speech that’s not only silent, but deadly to most entertainers.

Let’s vote these people out of the cinema, off our I-Pods and into a lower tax bracket with our wallets. Money is their god, Al Gore is their Pope, Barack Obama their new star and the Global warming scare is their church. To these people, money talks louder than words. Let’s stop funding the hate speech of people in the entertainment industry who insult Americans and then charge us for it.

Stand up and be heard with a closed wallet. If these people produce it, write it, direct it, act in it or even lend their voice to it, stay away from it.

It’s our rights as consumers to not buy things that are morally broken.


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