Politicians Are What's Wrong With Politics

So, Mark Sanford had an affair. Big deal. Who really cares? He screwed up his own life. He screwed over his wife and kids. It happens everyday. His family will deal with it. He will pay a personal price, either by losing his family, the mistress he claims to be in love with, or most likely both.

The media and the Muckadoos on the Internet think that this is once again an example of “conservative hypocrisy.” I’ve seen no less than ten news segments dedicated to discussing whether or not the GOP needs to shift focus away from family values, religion and morality because even the standard bearers of the ideology can’t stay the course.’

Two things. First off, if this is “conservative hypocrisy” isn’t every Democratic scandal involving money an example of “liberal hypocrisy?” The statist agenda is to take your money and have the government spend it because, supposedly, they can do it better and fairer than you can. So when we indict a Democrat over bribes, theft, or kickbacks why don’t we talk about how that effects their agenda? Shouldn’t the Rod Blagojevich scandal generate a full Anderson Cooper show about how the Democrats are going to proceed in telling us that they should take care of the cash when they are all a bunch of crooks?

Secondly, all these political scandals serve to hammer home a central point: politicians are a wacky bunch. They are an odd form of sociopath. Deluded, narcissistic, self-important wind bags who spend their lives seeking the ultimate freeloading government gig. They are not to be trusted. Government should be limited so we don’t allow these types of people: philanderers, tax cheats, alcoholics, drug addicts, con artists, pedophiles and thieves too much control over the people.

If your friend was under federal investigation for financial improprieties would you blindly lend him your ATM card and PIN number? Would you trust the judgment of a friend who spent most of their time drunk or hopped up on prescription drugs? Would you allow yourself to be lectured about your personal actions by someone who kept kiddie porn on their laptop?

There is an inherent fallacy to statist ideologies like communism and socialism. For them to work, the people in the government must be beyond reproach. They must be angels; wise sages who can put their own egos, wants and desires on the back burner to serve the common good. Where are these benevolent deities? Where are these Mother Theresa types to guide us and protect us? They ain’t in Washington.

At some point, probably in the near future, a group of selfless people will seek political office. They won’t be career politicians, but fed up citizens who take it upon themselves to seek public office to truly make a difference. You can bet the farm that these people won’t work to expand government control and taxation. They will do the exact opposite. They will dismantle the government, serve out their terms, then return to their real, honest jobs.

Let’s just hope the creeps don’t do too much damage until those people get there.


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