Nobel Peace Prize Not Worth the Postage It Would Cost to Return It

So Evo Morales, the Bolivian President (yes, one exists) is demanding that Obama give back his Nobel Peace Prize. He claims that the Libya attack is so horrible, our President no longer deserves the prize.

Snorts Morales:

“How is it possible that a Nobel Peace Prize winner leads a gang to attack and invade? This is not a defence of human rights or self-determination.”

Whatever, Evo.

Just remember: you run Bolivia – the world’s third largest producer of cocaine, supplying Europe and South America.

According to the UN, coca production there went from 23,600 hectares in 2003 to 27,500 hectares in 2006 – which would mean something – if I knew what a hectare is.

(I think it’s a ingrown hair).

Anyway, Obama can’t give back the Prize because that would imply it’s worth something to give back – and we know it’s not.

If you remember, the pointlessness of the prize is why Obama got it in the first place. It’s the world’s most overrated doorstop, given to Barack as symbolic rejection of all that came before him – a bouquet for replacing Bush, and for agreeing that American exceptionalism is hooey.

As an acknowledgment of achievement, a spanking carries more weight.

FYI: Morales won the Gaddafi International Prize for Human Rights in 2006, which is like winning The Idi Amin Prize for Best Stew.

Anyway: Funny how the foreigners who believe Obama deserved that Prize are precisely the kind of people who want it back. They are saps who assumed Obama was a bigger idea than the country he governs.

Which is why they should stick to smuggling bricks of coke. (it comes in bricks, right? I wouldn’t know)

And if you disagree with me, you sir are worse than Hitler.


Suzanne Senna is back! aka Brooke Alverez from Onion TV

Terry Schappert!

and the great Joe Derosa!


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