'Two and a Half Men' Star Holland Taylor Slams Palin, Bachmann as Jokes

Veteran actress Holland Taylor is getting political with her new one-woman play “Ann.”

The show, set to begin at The Kennedy Center Dec. 17, captures the larger-than-life late governor of Texas, Ann Richards.

Ann Holland Taylor

Taylor is a dead ringer for Richards post-makeup even though most “Men” viewers don’t immediately think of Taylor as a political pundit. The gig coaxed one reporter to ask the actress what she thought of two other high-profile female politicians on the right, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann:

Leaning forward in her chair, Taylor replied, “I think she would laugh her ass off.” With her hands moving animatedly, she said, “I see Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin and think it is the end of the world if they can actually be taken seriously as presidential candidates. But Ann would just think it was funny. I think she would be pretty sure they wouldn’t get elected so they would just be good amusement value.

Taylor didn’t comment on the inexperienced politician currently fumbling his way through his third year in office.


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