Joss Whedon Wishes for Trump’s Death, Relief from ‘My Hate and Sadness’


Hollywood director Joss Whedon took to Twitter late Tuesday and wished for President Donald Trump to “quietly die.”

“Donald trump is killing this country. Some of it quickly, some slowly, but he spoils and destroys everything he touches,” Whedon wrote.

“He emboldens monsters, wielding guns, governmental power, or just smug doublespeak. Or Russia,” the Avengers director wrote. “My hate and sadness are exhausting. Die, Don. Just quietly die.”

While it may not be connected, Whedon’s social media screed against the president came just hours after Nasim Aghdam walked into YouTube’s San Bruno, California, headquarters and opened fire.

Whedon, of course, has long-attacked President Trump and conservatives.

Last month, Whedon posted a false story about Austin, Texas, bombing victim Draylen Mason to attack Trump.

“Draylen Mason. One of the kids I march for, ” Whedon tweeted. “I know, he wasn’t shot. But a violent white kid felt entitled to take his pain out specifically on people of color, & that’s coming from the top. We elected Ugly White Rage and in November we can start to remedy that. March. VOTE!”

A month earlier, the director called agents with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency “Trump’s SS.”

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter @jeromeehudson


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