Not Woke Enough: ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Novelist Margaret Atwood Blasted for Sharing Article Questioning Transgender Agenda

Canadian author Margaret Atwood gives a press conference following the release of her new
TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images

Author Margaret Atwood is a hero of the woke left, which has long adored her novel The Handmaid’s Tale and the feminist Hulu series adapted from it. But with one tweet, the novelist has now become the target of hate from the same woke fane base after she shared an article that questioned the increasing prevalence of terms like “person with a vagina” and “person who menstruates” in place of “woman.”

Margaret Atwood tweeted a Toronto Star column titled “Why Can’t We Say ‘Woman’ Anymore?” that calls into question transgender activists for their erasure of “woman” and their aggressive push to stigmatize the word.

“This is all directly a phenomenon resulting from trans activism run amok,” columnist Rosie DiManno wrote.

She cited the recent cases of the once-respected medical journal The Lancet using the term “bodies with vaginas” to describe women, and the ACLU changing a quote from the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by substituting “person” for “woman.”

“The battleground of language has turned into a battleground of agendas,” DiManno concluded. “I am woman and I am roaring.”

For the act of simply tweeting the article, Atwood has received vicious social media blowback from her fans, some of whom compared her to Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who has also voiced skepticism of the trans agenda.

A producer for NPR’s All Things Considered was among those who compared Atwood to Rowling.

Atwood is now facing accusations of being a “TERF” — a pejorative term invented by trans activists that stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist.” The novelist also has defended the Toronto Star columnist against accusations that she is a TERF.

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