Is City of Killeen Politicizing Fort Hood Anniversary?

As we approach the first anniversary of the Fort Hood massacre on November 5, 2009 there are two memorials scheduled to commemorate it. One is on the day of the anniversary itself, put on by the City of Killeen with the other on November 21st being coordinated by the Forum for Middle Eastern Understanding; the latter is being sponsored by the International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association (ICTOA).


The City of Killeen memorial is expected to be politically correct while the other will feature former Muslims like Walid Shoebat and Kamal Saleem as well as Jihad Watch founder Robert Spencer and Ret. Lt. General William Boykin. The theme of the November 21st event is “Diversity Starts with the Truth” and political correctness will be off the table. It appears that it has caught the attention of the Killeen Chamber of Commerce, which doesn’t seem to be very supportive.

The following is a Press Release from the Forum for Middle East Understanding:


[October 27 – Houston, TX] The Killeen, TX Chamber of Commerce has issued a letter to its members stating that they are supporting the Nov 5th, and are not supporting Nov 21st event. They have also insinuated that there is a money issue, and that Forum For Middle East Understanding has been “pressuring local businesses” to sponsor the Nov. 21st event. They have also stated to members that our event is being misrepresented as a memorial service.

“Why is the Chamber of Commerce of Killeen even taking sides one way or the other?” says Keith Davies the executive director of the Forum For Middle East Understanding, who organized the event. “I would not expect the support of the Chamber of Commerce nor would I expect their animosity.”

The memorial service and symposium for the Ft. Hood victims is proudly a private affair funded by donors, ticket sales and sponsors. The overall cost of the event on is in excess of $80,000, while the Nov. 5th memorial service is totally funded by taxpayers. We are offering Killeen businesses the opportunity to participate as a sponsor, but no one is pressuring anyone as insinuated by the Chamber.

We have not been in communication with the Chamber of Commerce and wonder why they have so much animosity to this second event? The answer is most likely the ongoing issue of political correctness, the very reason why the Ft Hood tragedy happened, and the root cause of similar incidents, because of our unwillingness to properly address the issues of terrorism. Our conference wishes to truly honor those soldiers and civilians who lost their lives with a memorial service, and then present terrorism experts who are not afraid to share the truth with the American people.

We dishonor our men and women in uniform, and put them at greater risk by not speaking the truth or facing the facts about Jihadist Terrorists like Major Nidal Hasan, whose hidden agenda killed 14 and wounded 35.”

The theme of this memorial event is DIVERSITY STARTS WITH THE TRUTH, which will be held at the Killeen Conference Center Nov. 21st, 2-8 PM. A primary sponsor of the event is the ICTOA (International Counter Terrorism Officers Association). Among the five keynote speakers, each of whom are experts in terrorism, are former military officers, law enforcement officers and two former Jihadist terrorists, Walid Shoebat and Kamal Saleem.

Ben Barrack is a talk show host on KTEM 1400 in Texas and maintains a website at


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