What A Combination: Rapper Becomes Radical Islamist Preacher

Is it possible to conceive of a worse combination of character qualities than a rapper-Islamist? In Germany a rapper named Deso Dogg quit rapping last November and announced that he was becoming a radical Islamic preacher. His new name is Abou Maleeq, and according to German media he has repeatedly praised violent Jihad. Police have now arrested him for weapons possession.

Deso Dogg now known as Abou Maleeq

Deso Dogg (or Abou) is German born and has previous convictions on drug charges. What’s so frightening about this story is that it shows the appeal of Islam to young angry men who have no traditional background in the Muslim faith. No doubt radical Islam appeals to their desire for power and control. But it also shows that in a narcissistic and relativistic culture, people are still searching for absolutes. Unfortunately some are going to gravitate toward the wrong absolutes.

[youtube 07lxGrBzsq4 nolink]

Deso Dogg sings “Gaza”


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